Fiber Hub – Fiber Flexibility Pedestals (CFFP)
The economical alternative to placing Fiber Distribution Cabinets at Local Convergence Points
Broadband Equity Access & Deployment Program (BEAD) and Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) compliant*
Charles Fiber Flexibility Pedestals (CFFP) offer a scalable, low cost alternative to placing traditional cabinet-type centralized split points (also known as fiber distribution hubs—FDH) in the outside plant. Unlike metallic cabinets, CFFP are floodproof and can be installed in almost any location. Their compact size compared to large cabinets makes them easier to install and ideally suited to small communities and neighborhoods. Right-of-ways are no longer a concern and the units can be economically placed directly in the ground without the need for an expensive pad. CFFP are available in four sizes with up to 72, 96, 144 and 288 fiber counts and in both stake-mount and vault-mount configurations.
A CFFP Patch & Splice option is available for small hub applications, eliminating the need for a splice closure and grade level box.
*Looking for BABAA-compliant products for your BEAD-funded projects? Talk to our sales representative today and learn more about our BABAA-compliant product portfolios.
Features and Benefits
The CFFP is pre-stubbed with feed and distribution cables that are factory tested
One splitter module fits all CFFP sizes for ordering and stocking ease
Sizes are configurable with smaller fiber counts to economically optimize fiber hub size with neighborhood
Organization is optimized with specially designed 3-way bend controls so that minimum bend requirements are met no matter how the fibers are wrapped around them
Protective locking cover for back of connectors gives protection while allowing easy access for cleaning without dangerously moving fiber bulkhead
Splitter module outputs are optimally designed for CFFP units. Minimizing leg lengths makes fiber housekeeping easier
Documents and Download
Product Details
Product Specifications
Ordering Information
Common configurations are listed below. For complete ordering options, including cable types and optional patch and splice configurations, please consult the CFFP Datasheet or CONTACT CHARLES for ordering assistance.
Looking for BABAA compliant product for BEAD funded projects? Please CONTACT CHARLES for more information, including available options.
Common CFFP Configurations
CFSM Splitter Modules
Mounting Accessories
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Addtional Pedestals & Housings
Looking for BEAD/BABAA compliant products?
If you're looking for BABAA-approved products eligible for BEAD funding, we've got you covered. Please take a moment to fill out our quick form, and we'll provide you with all the information you need on our compliant FTTH products. Your journey to enhanced connectivity starts here!